Posts Tagged ‘Steve McKenna’
Chelan PUD Planning Rock Island Dam Turbine Rebuilds with $313 Million Price Tag
Analysis is underway at the Chelan County PUD for how to refurbish turbines at Rock Island Powerhouse 2. The dam was built in 1933, with the second powerhouse added in 1974. Now that equipment is aging and in need of replacement in the next 10 years, said Project Manager John Sagerser. Commissioners on Monday reviewed the business case for…
Read MoreChelan PUD Partnering with Stemilt Growers on New Olds Station Substation
Even as the Chelan County PUD wraps up work on a new Leavenworth substation site, PUD engineers are working to meet future growth in other areas of the county, including north Wenatchee. The current Olds Station substation was built in 1979 and, in addition to the aging equipment, is now at 90 percent capacity. Chelan PUD commission…
Read MoreChelan PUD to Design Meter Replacement Plan for 2018
Chelan PUD Commissioners want a system design plan for digital two-way electric meters by year’s end. At the board meeting yesterday, Commissioner Steve McKenna tells KOHO the PUD’s mission is to provide reliable electric service and he wants staff to gather more information for the board to decide how best to proceed. The two-way, digital…
Read MoreThe Future of the Chelan PUD – A Chat with Commissioner Steve McKenna
Leavenworth resident Steve McKenna is the newest member of the Chelan County PUD Board of Commissioners. He swung by the KOHO studio to talk about how his tenure has been going so far, what he sees as the biggest challenges facing the utility and finding a way to balance the budget with big upcoming investments.
Read MoreFormer Superintendent Steve McKenna Running for PUD Board
With presidential primaries underway, it’s easy for national elections to overshadow races at the local level. And although early in the process, several area residents are announcing their plans to run for local elected officers. On the board of commissioners for the Chelan County Public Utility District, two seats will open at the end of…
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