Posts Tagged ‘Peshastin’
Prey’s Fruit Barn Hosting 40th Birthday Party Today
It’s time to celebrate local growers. After 40 years, Prey’s Fruit Barn in Peshastin is now one of the largest fruit stands in Washington. They’re hosting a 40th anniversary party today and their Manager Chuck Reppas swung by KOHO to give us the details.
Read MorePeshastin Water District, Chelan PUD Developing Merger Proposal
A proposed merger could offer better support and organization for Peshastin residents. And the first of a series of community feedback meetings took place this week, as Marcus Bellissimo reports.
Read MoreBlue Bird Building in Peshastin $17 Million Loss, Cause Still Undetermined
Chelan County’s Fire Marshal released his report on the Blue Bird warehouse fire in Peshastin on March 3. The fire, which started around 7 p.m. at the cold storage building on Peshastin Mill Road, destroyed the 36,000 square foot structure. It had 12 cold rooms, 10 of which contained 250,000 boxes of packed pears. The…
Read MoreInvestigations, Flare Ups Continue After Blue Bird Facility Fire In Peshastin
A Sunday night blaze has residents boiling water. After a small flare-up overnight Monday, an investigation continues into a fruit warehouse fire in Peshastin. Marcus Bellissimo reports.
Read MoreWarehouse Fire Puts Smoke, Boil Water Recommendation Into Peshastin Overnight
A massive warehouse fire at Blue Bird in Peshastin pumped heavy smoke into the Wenatchee Valley overnight and prompted a 48-hour boil water recommendation for Peshastin residents. Chelan County firefighters from Peshastin, Leavenworth, Cashmere and Wenatchee, as well as Cascade ambulance, responded to Peshastin Mill Road a little after 7 p.m. yesterday to find the…
Read MorePrimary Election – Upper Wenatchee Valley Pool Maintenance Levy
Primary election ballots cover a number of races, from state representative to Chelan County Commissioner. But residents of the Upper Wenatchee Valley – Peshastin and Chumstick, Leavenworth and Icicle Rd. – will also decide on an increase to the Upper Valley Park and Recreation Service Area tax. The PRSA is asking for a Maintenance & Operations Levy…
Read MoreSheep Killed In Predator Attack Near Peshastin, Fish & Wildlife Dept. Investigating
There have been several recent cougar attacks from North Bend to the Upper Wenatchee Valley. The best way to prevent these attacks is to know how to protect yourself and your livestock. Marcus Bellissimo reports. Photo: Wash. State Dept. Fish & Wildlife
Read MoreToo Much Phosphorous Into Wenatchee River Prompts Peshastin Wastewater Improvements
The wasterwater treatment plant serving Peshastin needs some upgrades. While plans for linking Pehsastin’s and Dryden’s sewer systems has been postponed, minimizing phosphorus discharges into the Wenatchee River is still a top priority in Peshastin, as Marcus Bellissimo reports.
Read MoreSuncrest Fire Update: 1 p.m. Sunday Aug. 28
The new containment listing for the Suncrest Fire is between 25 and 35%. Fire officials also updated the size at over 330 acres. Air resources continue to make drops on the fire north of North Road east of the Chumstick Valley, including five helicopters, four air tankers and two air attack planes. More ground crews…
Read MoreLevel 3 Evacs for Suncrest Fire off North Road in Peshastin
Level 3 evacuation orders are in place for dozens of homes on and near North Road between Leavenworth and Peshastin. It’s being called the Suncrest Fire and “Get out now” notices are in place for North Road between Peshastin and Chumstick, as well as Suncrest Drive, Fox Road, Cemetery Road, Rabbit Lane and Anderson Road. About…
Read MoreSave Peshastin Waterfront Effort Succeeds
Last week we reported on the Save the Peshastin Waterfront group succeeding in raising enough money to preserve the mile of Wenatchee River for recreation and habitat. The group asked for a 60-day extension after failing to raise $453,000 by June 30. They only needed an extra 10 days to close the $35,000 gap. Our…
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