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Financial Wanderings with Brad Blackburn – 4% GDP, Trade War, Facebook

Brad Blackburn with Blackburn Financial in Cashmere joins Dan Langager in your Financial Wanderings to talk about the state of the stock market, which is relatively happy right now, the recent GDP report at 4.1 percent growth, the latest with the trade war between the U.S. and China, a $120 billion loss for Facebook stocks and more.

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Financial Wanderings with Brad Blackburn – China, Trade War, Stock Market

Brad Blackburn with Blackburn Financial in Cashmere joins Dan Langager in your Financial Wanderings to talk about the state of the stock market, which is relatively happy right now, whether it’s worth paying attention to the “yield curve” and the current trade war between the U.S. and China – what it means for businesses and the economy…

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Financial Wanderings with Brad Blackburn – North Korea, Trade War, Apple Tariffs

Brad Blackburn with Blackburn Financial in Cashmere joins Dan Langager in your Financial Wanderings to talk about the economic impacts of President Trump meeting with North Korean Dictator Kim Jong Un, the outlook for the economy overall, an ever-more-likely trade war with China, Mexico and other countries the Trump administration has placed tariffs on and how Mexico’s…

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Financial Wanderings – Brad Blackburn

Brad Blackburn with Blackburn Financial in Cashmere joins Dan Langager in your Financial Wanderings to talk about the wild swings in the stock market the last couple weeks and whether that’s cause for concern or just the market righting itself. Blackburn said while there’s the potential for an economic downturn, he remains mostly positive.

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