Posts Tagged ‘electricity usage’
Chelan PUD Planning At Least Dozen New, Expanded Substations Across County
When it come to growth for the Chelan County PUD, that generally means one thing – more substations. Marcus Bellissimo explains.
Read MoreChelan PUD Planning 13 New, Expanded Substations Due To Rising Energy Demand
Energy use in the Lake Chelan area has grown nearly five times higher than in other areas of the county since 2015, according to the Chelan County PUD. Customer Service Director Andy Wendell told KOHO that is accelerating planning to meet the area-wide electric needs for new homes, businesses and industry, including an invitation for…
Read MoreWhat’s The Future Of Bitcoin In North Central Washington?
Bitcoins went on a meteoric rise in 2017, partly thanks to server operators using cheap electricity from public utility districts for their cryptocurrency data mining. The Chelan County PUD has reported a recent surge in inquires about new large load power services from bitcoin and blockchain operations. John Stoll, Managing Director of Customer Utilities, said…
Read MoreChelan PUD Commissioners Approve Land Purchase For New Chelan Substation
Chelan County PUD commissioners Monday voted unanimously to move forward on plans to purchase property on Henderson Road for the purpose of siting the new North Shore Lake Chelan substation. KOHO’s Chelan Correspondent Ken Johannessen was at the commission meeting and filed this report. Also check out Dan Langager’s interview with PUD Commissioner Garry Arseneault on the KOHO Morning Show:
Read MoreChelan PUD to Design Meter Replacement Plan for 2018
Chelan PUD Commissioners want a system design plan for digital two-way electric meters by year’s end. At the board meeting yesterday, Commissioner Steve McKenna tells KOHO the PUD’s mission is to provide reliable electric service and he wants staff to gather more information for the board to decide how best to proceed. The two-way, digital…
Read MoreRecord Electricity Usage Hits NCW Public Utilities Due to Recent Cold Snap
Last week was exceptionally cold across North Central Washington. And during the single-digit weather, residents across the region turned up the heat, leading to record electricity usage at the Public Utility Districts in Chelan, Douglas and Grant Counties. KOHO’s Chris Hansen got the details from each of those utilities and filed this report.
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