Posts Tagged ‘cryptocurrency’
Wenatchee City Council Delays New Cryptocurrency Zoning, Noise Rules
The Wenatchee city council earlier this month chose not to pass new cryptocurrency rules suggested by staff in the community development department. Council members pointed to issues like allowing such miners in the downtown business core and the level of noise created by the machines. Mayor Frank Kuntz joins Dan Langager on the KOHO Morning…
Read More2018 ‘Very Good Year’ For Chelan PUD, GM Steve Wright Says
2018 was a positive year for the Chelan County PUD, said their General Manager Steve Wright. And he said they have more than 70 initiatives to tackled this year. Wright joins Dan Langager in the KOHO studios to recap last year and look ahead. He said they’ll be developing a new strategic plan for 2020-2024,…
Read MoreChelan PUD Board Approves New Cryptocurrency Rate, Effective April 1
The Chelan PUD has lifted its moratorium on cryptocurrency businesses, after they arrived at a new rate schedule for emerging industry. Marcus Bellissimo reports Chelan County PUD commissioners Monday approved a new rate for cryptocurrency, blockchain and similar operations. It goes into effect April 1, 2019, the same day the District will accept new cryptocurrency…
Read More‘Trying To Make Lemonade,’ Chelan PUD Board Hears Preliminary Cryptocurrency Rates
The Chelan PUD continues studying large-load data miners coming to the county. At Monday’s PUD board meeting, commissioners received an update on transmission and distribution challenges related to requests for power to serve large loads and a recommendation about possible cryptocurrency rates. PUD General Manager Steve Wright said volatility in cryptocurrency markets has lead to…
Read MoreGrant PUD Creates New ‘Evolving Industry’ Rate Class To Address Deluge Of Cryptocurrency Miners
An influx of cryptocurrency firms looking to establish a foothold in North Central Washington has local utilities re-examining their commercial pay rates. Grant County PUD commissioners unanimously agreed last week to create a new customer rate class for cryptocurrency miners. Commissioners said core customers – residential, irrigation and commercial – continue to be first in…
Read MoreChelan PUD Extends Halt On Applications For Cryptocurrency Miners
The Chelan County PUD’s pause on new cryptocurrency businesses looking to locate in the county will remain in place at least through August. PUD staff reviewed steps taken since the board imposed the application moratorium for cryptocurrency mining and similar data operations in March and presented them to the board of commissioners Monday. More than…
Read MoreEast Wenatchee Joins Area Cities Passing Blockchain, Bitcoin Zoning Ordinance
The cities of Leavenworth and East Wenatchee are the latest to pass zoning ordinances for bitcoin operators and other blockchain companies. North Central Washington has become a hot-spot for such crytopcurrency miners, largely thanks to cheap hydropower. As both the Chelan and Douglas PUDs assess the increasing number of applications from such businesses to locate…
Read MoreChelan PUD Halts Cryptocurrency Applications, Says County Electric Grid At Risk
The Chelan County PUD has stopped taking or processing applications for electric service for cryptocurrency mining. PUD board members unanimously imposed the application moratorium after reviewing impacts on utility operations from existing loads and applications for service. General Manager Steve Wright said impacts from cryptocurrency mining applications are hampering responses to the District’s overall planned…
Read MoreFederal Reserve Regional Executive Speaks At Economic Roundtable In Wenatchee
The 12th Federal Reserve District’s Vice President spoke last week at an economic roundtable in Wenatchee. It covered topics from regional employment to crypto-currencies. Marcus Bellissimo reports.
Read MoreNCW Bitcoiners Getting National Attention As CNBC Comes To Town
Salcido Enterprises is hosting a CNBC news crew today and tomorrow. The crew will be in the Wenatchee Valley to interview Malachi Salcido and tour Salcido Enterprise facilities as part of a story focused on highlighting efforts toward developing blockchain infrastructure and technology. Other notable interviews scheduled include Steve Wright of the Chelan County PUD and…
Read MoreWhat’s The Future Of Bitcoin In North Central Washington?
Bitcoins went on a meteoric rise in 2017, partly thanks to server operators using cheap electricity from public utility districts for their cryptocurrency data mining. The Chelan County PUD has reported a recent surge in inquires about new large load power services from bitcoin and blockchain operations. John Stoll, Managing Director of Customer Utilities, said…
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