East Wenatchee Still Weighing Best Use of Federal COVID Funding

City of East Wenatchee mayor Jerrilea Crawford talks with KOHO Morning Show host Chris Hansen about the process of allocating millions of dollars in federal pandemic relief.
City of East Wenatchee mayor Jerrilea Crawford talks with KOHO Morning Show host Chris Hansen about the process of allocating millions of dollars in federal pandemic relief.
I appreciate the concerns for people’s safety during these trying times.
I would be interested to hear Chris, and maybe even mayor Crawford’s opinion on a medication that has been successfully treating and preventing Covid in many parts of the world. It’s a medication called Ivermectin. America’s Frontline Doctors/FLCCC are hard at work getting the word out about prophylactic treatment protocols, which can both stop individuals from contracting the virus, as well as stop individuals from spreading it.
Dr. Pierre Kory from the FLCCC had a video go viral in December of last year with his testimony to the US senate urging legislation to speed up the FDA approval of what he called a ‘miracle drug.’ The science is there, and this pandemic can come to an end. Masks and vaccines are not the solution. Dr. Dan Stock from Illinois stood before the Mount Vernon Community School Corp. last week to explain why, in another viral video which has since gathered over 500k views on the original, and millions of views on a reposted clip which has since been taken down.
We need local health authorities to be brave, and do what’s right. The CDC and NIH have caused a lot of individuals like myself to become incredulous with constant flip-flopping over health recommendations that nobody can seem to agree on (and that the science doesn’t support). As you said in this segment, many individuals are over the mandates. Many don’t trust the overbearing, suffocating campaign to shame, bribe, and incentivize individuals to take the vaccines which do not have FDA approval. This is historically unprecedented, and downright unacceptable.
Nuremberg Code is an international law that is recognized by all major world governments that dates back to WWII, where it was agreed upon that individuals had the right to informed consent before taking part in medical experimentation. This is not something that can be overruled. We the people have a choice whether or not we choose to take these experimental vaccinations, and violating Nuremberg Code historically was punishable by imprisonment, and even death.
Please spread the word about alternative treatment, as the alternative is many individuals potentially being stricken with debilitating conditions that could negatively impact them for the rest of their lives. This is a very real concern, especially for people who cannot take the vaccines for medical or religious reasons. There will be many lawsuits in the future, and other legal discourse once the dust has settled around this poorly planned, rushed, experimental mass vaccination campaign. We can prevent this as much as practically possible if we start to get the word out, and listen to the experts regarding Covid guidance opposed to the unelected bureaucrats with the CDC and NIH. We can change the course of the pandemic in our community, and pave the way to better health outcomes across the country if we’re willing to give just a little bit of effort.
“Small lights have a way of being seen in a dark world.” – Neal A. Maxwell
Thank you.
I’m curious to know why you believe the science of the NIH & CDC aren’t supported (even though there’s a large body of evidence that says otherwise), and yet you wave the Ivermectin banner (which science DEFINITELY doesn’t support). I believe the answer is in paragraph 3. Viral videos do not scientific exposé’s make.
Since you’re quoting Maxwell (I had to look him up), I’m assuming you’re Mormon. Isn’t the church encouraging its members to get the vaccine? Here’s a fun article for you… https://religionnews.com/2021/05/06/half-of-us-mormons-are-covid-19-vaccine-hesitant-or-vaccine-resistant-study-shows/
1. NIH and CDC members are not elected into their positions like you see with politics. They are selected.
2. Where’s your evidence? At least that person gave people a breadcrumb trail to find out for yourself. “(even though there’s a large body of evidence that says otherwise)” isn’t evidence.
3. If you actually look up that group touting ivermectin, there’s some pretty solid science backing it. Again, show some evidence that it doesn’t work. Weasel.
4. What does a quote have to do with someone’s religion? Would I assume you practice Hinduism if you quoted Gandhi? Do you have to be Christian to quote MLK Jr.? Are you assumed to be Muslim if you quote Malcolm X or Muhammad Ali? Do you see how ridiculous you sound?
You’re in critical need of thinking skills. You’re parroting what every other drone is saying. You’re not contributing to the conversation, you’re simply trying to silence and mudsling. Critical thinking is not following the herd. Critical thinking is questioning where the herd is going, and calling attention to the edge of the cliff they’re running towards. It’s setting the record straight when you see information that you think is wrong. Not baselessly slandering. You’re helping nothing.