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Candidate Interviews – Cascade School Board

Election Day is just under two weeks away and KOHO 101 has you covered with Candidate Interviews all this week.

Running for Cascade School Board Position 2 is Judy Derpack. Also on the ballot is Marco Aurilio, but he withdrew his candidacy last month.

Aurilio was working as a Leavenworth firefighter when he filed for office in May, but then accepted a teaching position with the school district. He told KOHO it’d be a conflict for him to do both. But he missed the deadline to remove his name from the ballot. So even though Aurilio’s name is on the ballot he’s encouraging voters to vote for Derpack.

Position 2 covers the city of Leavenworth, Titus Road and Ski Hill.

Also on the ballot is Position 4, with Cyndi Garza, who was appointed to the spot last year, running unopposed. That seat covers Peshastin and North Road.

Judy Derpack

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