Wash. Medicaid Coverage No Longer Terminated for Individuals Entering Prison
Last week the state’s Health Care Authority announced it will suspend – rather than terminate – Medicaid coverage for individuals while they are in jail or prison. Previously, individuals entering correctional institutions had their Apple Health coverage (Washington’s Medicaid program) terminated.
Under Senate Bill 6430, signed into law last year, health care coverage is suspended, and once an individual is released from custody, full scope health coverage is automatically reinstated.
Amy Blondin, the Authority’s spokesperson, said the change provides continuity of care for individuals upon re-entry into the community. Individuals in custody of the criminal justice system need seamless access to community treatment networks and health coverage, upon release from custody, she said, in order to prevent gaps in treatment and reduce barriers to accessing care. She said it’s critical to reducing repeat offenses and decreasing the costs of relapse, deteriorating mental health and crisis care.