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Healthy Youth Survey Shows Rise in Washington Teens Who Consider Suicide

Results from the latest Healthy Youth Survey, taken in the fall of 2016 by tweens and teens in Washington, shows that one in five high school students seriously considered suicide in the past 12 months. During the past decade, there has been a six percentage point rise in 8th and 10th graders in our state who have contemplated suicide and an eight percentage point increase in 12th graders.
The Department of Social and Health Services supports mental health treatment for youth and adults. DSHS Behavioral Health Administrator Sarah Mariani joins KOHO’s Chris Hansen to talk about the latest survey and DSHS’ outreach programs.
If your teen is in crisis, you don’t have to handle the situation alone. In an emergency, dial 911. You can get information, emotional support and referrals by calling the Washington Recovery Help Line at 866-789-1511, the Suicide Prevention Lifeline at 800-273-TALK or get information from TeenLink at 866-833-6546.

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